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Pregnancy Support

Ante Natal Care

I support patients throughout pregnancy and postnatally.  I hold memberships with the London Acupuncture Conception to Childbirth (ACT) and with the Acupuncture Fertility Network which means I have undertaken additional training and work with specialists in the field. My treatments support those of Obstetricians and Midwives and form part of the care team for women around this precious time. 

Treatments are gentle in nature and designed to nuture and care for you and your growing bump.  I take a holistic approach to pregnancy acupuncture, focusing on more than just the ’wait and see’ strategy!

It is generally understood that acupuncture helps to increase an endorphin release and so promotes a feeling of relaxation and calm. Acupuncture can also assist with optimising positioning, and small for date babies. 

Acupuncture can help before, during and after labour as it is a process of many stages, smoothing the transition between the 1st and 2nd stages of labour and improving stamina and energy in a long labour. I also teach couples acupressure techniques for labour from 36 weeks to assist the mother and birthing partner with the different stages. Acupuncture and/or acupressure can help stimulate endorphins, help with sickness and anxiety, block pain receptors in the brain, dilate the cervix and increase the efficiency of contractions. This is especially effective when contractions have slowed down or stopped due to emotional reasons. In circumstances where intervention is appropriate, many couples have appreciated the extra support of acupuncture.


Acupuncture is a safe and natural treatment that can effectively support women through pregnancy who are experiencing a range of symptoms that may include some of the following: 

*Please note that weekly treatments are recommended for nausea, sickness and tiredness until the pregnancy is fully established. 

Common conditions I treat 

© Jasbinder Chana 2024 

Birth Preparation

Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture provide a safe and effective treatment to support preparing the cervix and pelvis and to promote natural labour. 

Research suggests that starting at week 36 of pregnancy may allow patients to experience an easier labour. In addition, relief from physical discomfort such as heartburn or back pain and emotional issues like stress and anxiety.

Alongside treatments, I also teach my patients how to use acupressure techniques for self-care between sessions.

Breech Babies 

Although it is expected that a baby will settle into a head-down position into the pelvis at around weeks 34-36 of pregnancy, it is common to find that positioning is either posterior or breech. This can cause additional stress and anxiety for the mother-to-be and a shift from a birthing plan. 

Research has found that acupuncture and moxa can be very effective in helping a baby turn from breech to a head-down position between weeks 32-35.

I use moxa where appropriate, and teach my patients for continuation of treatment at home.

*Please get in touch with us to discuss your suitability for this treatment.

Post Natal Care

It is beneficial to have acupuncture in the immediate days after childbirth and throughout the first 6 weeks.  The demands of labour are significant, and acupuncture can help restore the body’s reserves of energy.  Having acupuncture during this time aids with restoring a sense of balance, easing pain and discomfort, promoting the healing of caesarean scar tissue and complications, and balancing hormonal surges and ‘baby blues’ or depression.  

There are some very real benefits in utilising Traditional Chinese Medicine post natally, and I frequently see women presenting with a range of issues that originated or progressed post-birth.  I support many new mothers,  and additionally offer home visits, for the following:


Mother warming treatments are a lovely post birth treatment aimed to aid recovery after childbirth and give the system a well needed boost.


Alternative treatment strategies for postpartum depression are gaining prominence, especially acupuncture, and has gained acceptance due to its efficacy and safety. 

After childbirth, women have multiple emotional and physical adjustments to make, and the term 'baby blues' can manifest in numerous ways. 

Anxiety, depression, anger, frustration coupled with worry and fear are very common, which combined with tiredness and exhaustion often become a melting pot and can feel overwhelming.

Acupuncture can help bring the body back into balance in a gentle supportive manner.

Post Birth Pains

It is common to have post birth pains, and generally these resolve as the uterus returns to its normal position.  However, some women describe after pains as worse than labour pains and this is where the gentle treatments of acupuncture can help.

I also teach my patients to use acupressure points for self care. 


Research has shown the effectiveness of acupuncture for night sweats for many conditions. 

It is not uncommon for post natal women to experience episodes of night sweats. From a Chinese Medicine perspective the rigours of pregnancy and childbirth deplete the system resulting in deficent patterns presenting in the body. 

*Gift vouchers are available for this service.